• Romantic status

    Romatic status...missing ,midnight,lovely , so much sugar sour sweetest status

  • Funny status

    Lmfao "Laughing my 'effing' ass off" status which will pomp up your mood

  • Cool status

    Cool your mind by share clever with your fellows ......... ...

  • Friendship

    We make friends ,we chat friends ,friends are friends they are not friends its them to whom you are sharing your life

  • Shayari idaab

    Wo wish hi kya jo aasan ho jise paane mein na ho thodi ladai mila to kucch hai paaya varna zindagi humne yuhin bita li.adaab arze...funny,sensational,mtivational... ...

Friendship hold a pencil than to hold a grudge

  Friends stand beside eachother through thick and thin, every time you need me i will alwyas be there for you. You make me happy, you make me laugh, you are the best friend anyone could ever have. BEST FRIENDS.
-Sandeep Chauhan

  Despite the advice about choosing your friends wisely, you really can't choose your friends. They choose you.
-Ashley Hills
  The trouble is not so much dying for a friend, it is finding a friend worth dying for.
-Sheneth Noy
  A good friend finds it harder to hold a pencil than to hold a grudge.
 -Raj Karan
  I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I'll take.
 -William Brooks

Beware when you are judging you friends, for they maybe judging you first.
 -Jessy Yumina
  Friends are like money in the bank, longer you keep them, the more they are worth.
-Rohit Sharda

  It would be easier to cut off my hand than lost you as my friend
-Jass Noy

  A friend is someone who smile when you smile, laugh when you laugh, but hold your hand when you cry.  
-Parul Khanna
  A friend is someone who listens when you speak, understands when you cry and guides you on your way."
-Rajesh Khurana
  A friendship is like a gold chain..each link is a memory from past to present..never let the chain break or else the friendship will be gone..remember gold is a valuable as the friendship is
-Vicharita Gupta

  Through life we suffer. Through friends we never have to suffer alone
-Shehnaaz Sareen

  A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked.
-Tom Kelbs
  Friends let you know that you are not alone on the road of life.
-Gurmeet Kaur
  I have my friends for their personality, my aquaintences for their opinions and my eninies for their brains.
-Savita Jain
  If you have a friendship thats nearly at the end, screw the friendship and make all the questions end
-Shinaya Bogs
  If my best friend is the person I can always depend on, then my only best friend would be my mother or God.
-Kevin Show
Some memories can hurt, but with you by my side our friendship will survive
-Angie Solo

  Treat your friends as you do your pictures and put them in the best light.
-Robert Jobs 

  The only thing on this earth that will never die is a memory and in our friendship we have made so many.  
-Himani Sachdeva

  A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
-Ashwani Verma


Format your message by using these symbols

¢ – cent                                                                £ – pund 
© – copyright                                                      ¤ – currcy
® – registered trademark                                     ¥ – yen ™ – tm       € – euro sign
° – degree – e.g. 45°                                            § – section
¹ – superscript 1                                                   ² – superscript 2
³ – superscript 3                                                   ¼ – fraction 1/4
½ – fraction 1/2                                                  ¾ – fraction 3/4
¿ – inverted question mark                                  × – multiplication
÷ – division                                                          • – bullet = black
◊ – lozenge                                                         ℠ – Service Mark
℃ – Celsius                                                         ℅ – care of
℉ – Farenheit                                                     № – numero symbol – number sign
℗ – Sound Recording Copyright                        ℞ – Prescription symbol
Ω – Ohm                                                             ℧ – Inverted Ohm
☀ – sunshine – sun                                              ☁ – cloudy – dark
☂ – raining – rain – umbrella                              ☃ – snow –
☄ – shooting star                                                ★ – star solid
☆ – star outline                                                    ☇ – lightning
☈ – thunderstorm                                                ☉ – sun
☊ – ascending node                                             ☋ – descending
☌ – conjunction                                                    ☍ – opposition
☎ – phone                                                           ☏ – phone symbol
☐ – check box                                                     ☑ – check
☒ – ballot box with X                                         ☓ – St. Andrew’s
☚ – left-pointing index finger                            ☛ – right-pointing
☜ – left-pointing index finger                             ☝ – upwards point
☞ – right pointing index finger                           ☟ – downwardspoint
☠ – skull & crossbones                                      ☡ – caution sign
☢ – radioactive sign                                           ☣ – biohazard sign
☮ – peace sign                                                    ☯ – yin & yang
☹ – frowning face                                              ☺ – smiley face
☻ – black smiley face                                         ☽ – waxing crescent
☾ – waning crescent moon                                   ♈ – Aries
♉ – Taurus                                                           ♊ – Gemini
♋ – Cancer                                                          ♌ – Leo
♍ – Virgo                                                           ♎ – Libra
♏ – Scorpio                                                        ♐ – Sagitarius
♑ – Capricorn                                                    ♒ – Aquarius
♓ – Pisces                                                           ♔ – White King
♕ – White Queen                                               ♖ – White Rook
♗ – White Bishop                                              ♘ – White Knight 
♙ – White Pawn                                                 ♚ – Black King
♛ – Black Queen                                                ♜ – Black Rook
♝ – Black Bishop                                               ♞ – Black Knight
♟ – Black Pawn                                                  ♠ – black spade suit
♢ – red diamond suit                                           ♣ – black club suit
♤ – red spade suit                                                ♥ – black heart suit
♦ – black diamond suit                                        ♧ – red club suit
♨ – hot springs                                                    ♩ – musical quarter
♪ – musical eighth note                                       ♫ – musical single
♬ – musical double bar note                                ♭ – flat note
♮ – natural note                                                     ♯ – sharp note
✁ – cut above                                                     ✂ – cut here
✃ – cut below                                                     ✄ – scissors
✆ – public pay phone                                          ✇ – film reel – tape
✈ – airport jet airplane                                       ✉ – envelope mail
✌ – victory sign                                                    ✍ – signature – sign
✎ – pencil diagonal down                                   ✏ – pencil
✐ – pencil diagonal up                                        ✓ – check mark
✔ – heavy check mark                                         ✕ – multiplication
✖ – heavy multiplication sign X                          ✗ – ballot X
✘ – heavy ballot X                                               ✝ – Latin Roman
✞ – Latin Cross 3D shadow                                 ✟ – Latin Cross
✠ – Maltese Cross                                                ✡ – Star of David
❛ – quotation mark single turned comma              ❜ – quotation mark
❝ – quotation mark double turned comma             ❞ – quotation mark

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