• Romantic status

    Romatic status...missing ,midnight,lovely , so much sugar sour sweetest status

  • Funny status

    Lmfao "Laughing my 'effing' ass off" status which will pomp up your mood

  • Cool status

    Cool your mind by share clever with your fellows ......... ...

  • Friendship

    We make friends ,we chat friends ,friends are friends they are not friends its them to whom you are sharing your life

  • Shayari idaab

    Wo wish hi kya jo aasan ho jise paane mein na ho thodi ladai mila to kucch hai paaya varna zindagi humne yuhin bita li.adaab arze...funny,sensational,mtivational... ...

Clever status: Patience

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

-Shiman Arora

Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. 

-Vijay Dixit

Two things are infinite: The universe & human stupidity; I’m not sure about the universe.

-Yumin Sheez

War doesn’t determine who’s right. War determines who’s left.

-Bill Hoyest

If you think things can’t get worse it’s probably only because you don’t have good enough imagination.

-Kevin Shiroy

Patience is not a virtue, it is a waste of time.

-Avantika Ahuja

Pressure makes diamonds.

-Yonamika Huish

I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

-Lisa Roy

Format your status by using these symbols

¢ – cent                                                                £ – pund 
© – copyright                                                      ¤ – currcy
® – registered trademark                                     ¥ – yen ™ – tm       € – euro sign
° – degree – e.g. 45°                                            § – section
¹ – superscript 1                                                   ² – superscript 2
³ – superscript 3                                                   ¼ – fraction 1/4
½ – fraction 1/2                                                  ¾ – fraction 3/4
¿ – inverted question mark                                  × – multiplication
÷ – division                                                          • – bullet = black
◊ – lozenge                                                         ℠ – Service Mark
℃ – Celsius                                                         ℅ – care of
℉ – Farenheit                                                     № – numero symbol – number sign
℗ – Sound Recording Copyright                        ℞ – Prescription symbol
Ω – Ohm                                                             ℧ – Inverted Ohm
☀ – sunshine – sun                                              ☁ – cloudy – dark
☂ – raining – rain – umbrella                              ☃ – snow –
☄ – shooting star                                                ★ – star solid
☆ – star outline                                                    ☇ – lightning
☈ – thunderstorm                                                ☉ – sun
☊ – ascending node                                             ☋ – descending
☌ – conjunction                                                    ☍ – opposition
☎ – phone                                                           ☏ – phone symbol
☐ – check box                                                     ☑ – check
☒ – ballot box with X                                         ☓ – St. Andrew’s
☚ – left-pointing index finger                            ☛ – right-pointing
☜ – left-pointing index finger                             ☝ – upwards point
☞ – right pointing index finger                           ☟ – downwardspoint
☠ – skull & crossbones                                      ☡ – caution sign
☢ – radioactive sign                                           ☣ – biohazard sign
☮ – peace sign                                                    ☯ – yin & yang
☹ – frowning face                                              ☺ – smiley face
☻ – black smiley face                                         ☽ – waxing crescent
☾ – waning crescent moon                                   ♈ – Aries
♉ – Taurus                                                           ♊ – Gemini
♋ – Cancer                                                          ♌ – Leo
♍ – Virgo                                                           ♎ – Libra
♏ – Scorpio                                                        ♐ – Sagitarius
♑ – Capricorn                                                    ♒ – Aquarius
♓ – Pisces                                                           ♔ – White King
♕ – White Queen                                               ♖ – White Rook
♗ – White Bishop                                              ♘ – White Knight 
♙ – White Pawn                                                 ♚ – Black King
♛ – Black Queen                                                ♜ – Black Rook
♝ – Black Bishop                                               ♞ – Black Knight
♟ – Black Pawn                                                  ♠ – black spade suit
♢ – red diamond suit                                           ♣ – black club suit
♤ – red spade suit                                                ♥ – black heart suit
♦ – black diamond suit                                        ♧ – red club suit
♨ – hot springs                                                    ♩ – musical quarter
♪ – musical eighth note                                       ♫ – musical single
♬ – musical double bar note                                ♭ – flat note
♮ – natural note                                                     ♯ – sharp note
✁ – cut above                                                     ✂ – cut here
✃ – cut below                                                     ✄ – scissors
✆ – public pay phone                                          ✇ – film reel – tape
✈ – airport jet airplane                                       ✉ – envelope mail
✌ – victory sign                                                    ✍ – signature – sign
✎ – pencil diagonal down                                   ✏ – pencil
✐ – pencil diagonal up                                        ✓ – check mark
✔ – heavy check mark                                         ✕ – multiplication
✖ – heavy multiplication sign X                          ✗ – ballot X
✘ – heavy ballot X                                               ✝ – Latin Roman
✞ – Latin Cross 3D shadow                                 ✟ – Latin Cross
✠ – Maltese Cross                                                ✡ – Star of David
❛ – quotation mark single turned comma              ❜ – quotation mark
❝ – quotation mark double turned comma             ❞ – quotation mark

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